Restaurant​ Skibelund Krat

Our cozy restaurant is located in the middle of
​Hotel Skibelund Krat.​

​The restaurant is furnished with large panoramic windows which give an idyllic and beautiful view of the fields, the scrub and "Kongeådalen".

​Our walls are decorated with pictures from "Grundlovs" meetings in Skibelund Krat back from 1910 as well as pictures of the hotel from when it was a pavilion. All of this helps to create a historical atmosphere mixed with today's world.

We strive to make everyone feel welcome in the restaurant and there must be food for everyone.

In addition to our exciting menu, we also offer this week's menu.

​It is made according to the seasons, which means that every week there are exciting new ingredients on the menu.


Restaurant Skibelund Krat is open every day from 11.30-16:00 and 17:30-21.00.

​We try to accommodate all our guests who want to eat in our restaurant.

But if you want to secure a table, it will be a good idea to book a table before visiting us.

Restaurant Skibelund Krat is the only restaurant which is located in beautiful surroundings in Vejen and in the area.

Booking af bord her

Bookingen er først foretaget, når der modtages en bekræftelse herpå pr. mail.

*Skal udfyldes.​

Nogle felter er ikke udfyldt korrekt

Read more about our

Menu of the month | A la Carte

Opening hours


​Monday-Sunday 11:30-21:00

Monday-Friday 6:30-21:00

Saturday-Sunday 7:00-21:00

Company Information

​Hotel Skibelund Krat

Skibelund Krat 4
​6600 Vejen

Contact us

Telephone: +45 75 36 07 21

CVR DK: 33635567

Hotel Skibelund Krat

CVR​: 33635567

Skibelund Krat 4, 6600 Vejen​

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